We live in the NE and have been snowed in. Honestly, it was just 4-5 inches of snow but it has brought everything to a standstill. Kids have been out of school for three days! Yup you heard that right three days! Only in the DC metro area will 5 inches of snow cause utter mayhem.
Christmas has just gotten over - time to put away the Christmas tree, ornaments and all the paraphernalia that goes along with it.
Wait, did I hear that right, kids are out of school. My eyes grow as big as saucers, I have minions that can help put away everything and clear up the house! Hoorah! However the moment I broach the subject with my off springs they scurry away like mice on a sinking ship. I've never seen anyone slide away so fast, you blink and they are gone - and that includes my husband! When did my family get Flash Gordan super powers is beyond me. All of a sudden everyone has homework, missed assignments, play dates, wash the dog (wash the dog!) and anything you can throw at me to provide an excuse for not doing work around the house. Am I the only the shmuck that has time to do this?
Oh I got another juicy little nugget from my daughter this bright beautiful morning -
Daughter "Mom can we go to Starbucks?"
Mom "Honey, dad got Starbucks pod for the Keurig at home, why don't you brew that." That way mom can also have some, which I of course don't say.
Daughter "No, I don't want home brewed because we don't have the flavored creamers"
"Yes we do darling, there's one in the fridge, did you miss it?" I respond.
"No mom, I don't like it - it's spoiled."
My volume goes up ever so slightly "then why is it in the fridge? Why haven't you girls thrown it out?"
"Well maybe it's not spoiled maybe I don't like it...."
You can picture me now with smoke coming out of my ears.....staring at the road......